Want to join Retourvignet as a webshop?
Do you also want to start with Retourvignet items via your webshop? Then become a member! Fill in the form, if you meet our conditions, you will soon receive a login to order your products yourself.
Our further details and the contact form for general contact requests can be found on our contact page.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have consciously chosen that not everyone with a Chamber of Commerce number can purchase our items at Retourvignet. In this way we reduce the risk of fraud with our labels.
In order to be permitted to use the Retourvignet, you will first be assessed. We do this to verify whether your company is eligible to use our vignettes. The use of the vignette is possible for both e-Commerce parties who sell to consumers and manufacturers who can provide products with the Retourvignet directly from the factory.
Private individuals are not eligible.
To register your webshop for Retourvignet, we ask for the Chamber of Commerce number and the URL of your webshop, among other things.
With this information we manually check your webshop for reliability, whether it complies with our conditions and whether the products you sell are suitable for the vignettes.
We check the reliability of your online shop by looking at the Chamber of Commerce registration, affiliated (webshop) trustmarks, reviews, the impression of the website and the statement of the return process, return conditions and return address on the website.
Curious about the how and why, read our frequently asked questions.
I saw all the returns in the warehouse piling up. Unusable and written off. In the end, everything ended up in the trash can. That really went - and still goes - very much against my grain. Beyond the commercial value, this really hurts me as a human being.

At Bartogi, the focus is on European expansion. That works out well, but when I see how many people order and the condition in which they return the products... Sometimes it verges on being antisocial. Then I think: this is a social problem that needs to be addressed.

Thanks in part to the use of the Retourvignet, our average return rate is now under 5%. We are extremely happy about that, because it has also enabled us to establish a profitable business case.

At Birkenstock, we notice that with the growth of our online B2C business, the number of returns is increasing. To create awareness among our customers, we have partnered with Retourvignet. The initial results are promising.